FAQ – Can we replace a normal (10A) power point for a 15A?

The situation is generally a new piece of equipment comes along (deep fryer, sandwich press, toaster, induction hotplate etc) then the chef looks for a spot to plug it in – only to find the earth pin is too large to fit in the existing GPO. (General Power Outlet)

Frustration ensues! 

Generally, the answer is no. Unfortunately, we are unable to install a 15A GPO where the existing 10A unit is as the 15A must be on its own dedicated circuit. The regulation permits ten 10A double GPOs per circuit, whereas anything greater than that (15A, 20A, 25A, 32A etc) must be installed on its own circuit with the cable and circuit breaker rated to carry the required load.

Depending on how long the venue has been operating and if there have been any layout changes, more often than not we get lucky and locate a spare redundant circuit that can serve the purpose. This is the first thing we check for, we love getting maximum value from existing infrastructure!

If you are looking at upgrading kitchen equipment and are unsure of your existing power outlet capacity, make us your first call. Our clients enjoy free, expert advice 24/7.


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